New Year Stammtisch – Thu Jan 7, 2010, 8pm

Happy New Year everybody! To celebrate the new year, AVA-Berlin welcomes you to our first-Thursday-of-every-month Stammtisch on January 7 at 8 pm at Seerose in Kreuzberg, Mehringdamm 47. As usual, we’re in the quiet back room. Take the U6 or the U7 to U-Bahnhof Mehringdamm, or buses 119 or 140.

As you know, the Stammtisch is NOT a business meeting. In fact, business is taken care of at the Executive Committee (EC) meeting one hour before the Stammtisch, in case you should ever be interested in attending.

In case you want to re-hash some of the news about health-care reform, Ann Wertheimer sends you the following article by Scott Galindez: “We Won Round One on Health Care” at Galindez reviews the reforms that will be in the new law and reminds us that reform doesn’t end with President Obama’s signature. Social security, Galindez writes, was “weakened to get it through Congress, and then reformed over the years to make it a better program.” He understands everyone’s frustration, but advises us to “get strategic and accept this as a first round win, and continue to fight until the American people get what we deserve: universal health care delivering as good an outcome at as good a cost as other industrialized countries.”

So meet us at the Seerose on this coming Thursday from 8 pm. until about 10:30 pm for good conversation and for vegetarian specialties made with fresh ingredients at very reasonable prices.  See <> for details. Come hungry!

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